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Yingying Li




Founder & CEO @ Yingfluence,Inc Host @ How China Works Podcast Creator of Cultural Intelligence 2.0 📍Beijing, previously in Silicon Valley, Utah, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, New Delhi, Wuhan… 🎤Fluent in Mandarin, English, Portuguese 💡Guest Lecturer & Speaker/Consultant on Cross-cultural Communication/Leadership for Global Talent; “East Meets West” Product Innovation🍴🥢Global Media/IP 🎯Mission: Help the World Become China Smart & Chinese Go global; Bridge Gaps Between AI & Human Intelligence 播客主持人/ 教育创变者 / 企业家教练 * 莹响⼒(Yingfluence, Inc.)创始⼈CEO * 硅⾕⼈⼯智能芯⽚公司SkiveIt⾸席运营官 * 跨文化播客节目How China Works主持人(受众覆盖来自100+国家) * 2018全美优秀华裔创业者30岁以下精英30人 🏅* 2019“金海归创新奖Top 10” 1️⃣Ex-Caixin Global 前财新世界说硅谷专员 2️⃣Ex-Executive Coach@Own The Room 前美国Own The Room首位华人高管教练 3️⃣Author of LinkedIn China Dual Brand Strategies “领英中国双品牌战略”作者 🌏Yingfluencer是具有全球视野、通晓国际规则、熟练运用外语、精通中外沟通谈判和交流的国际人才共同体。 出海入华 / 国际品牌/ 多元思维 / 中西合璧 / 文化情商 / 商业创新 🌟关注我:提升人才与品牌的【跨文化领导力】,链接全球智脑资源,成为未来国际人才。 Wechat: Iamyingfluencer LinkedIn: Yingying (李莹莹) Li Email: [email protected] 🔗 🔗 📌公众号:莹响力Yingfluence Join me for an informal chat about building cross-cultural online IP, global branding & thought leadership topics, incl. multilingual content, localization, China and the world, cross-cultural communication & more!