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Yhane Washington Smith




Pronounced - yani. Creator and writer of Harlem Queen audio drama: πŸ‘‘Our Black Royalty of the Harlem Renaissance clashes against the underground of racketeers, bootleggers and mobsters. And The Courtship of Mona Mae. I didn’t like westerns, so I made one.😊 Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher.πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΏπŸ‘ΈπŸ½ πŸ‘‘2020’s Best Podcasts, Discover Pods πŸ‘‘2020’s 12 Hidden Gems, CBC Radio πŸ‘‘A’Leila Bundles Community Scholar at Columbia University πŸ‘‘2021 WOCUnite #Startwith8Hollywood mentee πŸ‘‘NYSCA nine-time grantee B.C. (Before Children) I was a PA, PC, AP freelancer for film, TV and commercials. Founded and produced Chicks with Flicks Film Fest for 9 years. My first job when I was 12 was picking blueberries. 🫐 Not a stranger to hard work.