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If you always agree with someone, doubt yourself. 👤I̴̹̟̒n̸͙̭͐t̷̺̝́ŗ̴̢̓o̶̘̘̽̊v̷͓̾e̵̫̯͊r̴͖̎̈t̸̺̒͌ͅë̴̡́̚d̵̗̑ͅ polyglot, socialist/humanist, citizen of the world, nonbeliever in free-will, religion or dieties. Here to learn from like-minded people and engage in meaningful exchange of ideas. 💼 Research data scientist/machine learning engineer working on robot-assisted surgery. 📚 Biomedical and chemical engineer by training. 🎓 University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon University alum. 📰 Published work include topics in robotic surgery, biomedical imaging, finite element modeling, clinical brain computer interface, computational fluid dynamics and unit-ops simulation.