Wonhee Jung
Senior Software Engineer, e-Commerce Backend@Blizzard Entertainment / Battle.net Interested in EdTech, future education for kids, whatever topics thar actually can make the world “a better place”. 🎓Computer Science grad student@Georgia Tech (2021’~) 🐝 🎓Master’s in Computer Science@University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Phi Kappa Phi( ΦΚΦ) member 📍 Orange County🍊 , California 🐻, USA Lifetime Gamer 🎮 and Learner 📚. Unity newbie. 🇺🇸English: professional working proficiency 🇰🇷Korean: native Korean Language Coordinator@Coursera Global Translator Community Opinions are all my own. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wonheejung http://facebook.com/AaronJung/