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Dr.Crystal C. Frederick




“Always Empowered, Always Empowering ” CCF 🗣Women to Women Talk Radio Show Host & Producer Empowering lives 🌎Global Health & Wealth Coach Business. & Personal Strategist 🏠Realtor/ Principal Broker & Investor 20+ years Life Insurance Specialist 🌎Global Initiative Ambassador If I told you that if you can just visualize whatever it is you want. You have already 90% got it. Let me show! I gained healing and breakthrough by faith and applying my program Visualize It 1st. DM if you are ready to overcome or attain your goals. 🦅My purpose is to use my voice to encourage, to walk together, heal, and shine light in dark places. Doctorate Finance & Leadership MBA Marketing BA Psychology ___ Host three clubs on clubhouse: Women to Women Talk ✳️ Mod: Dream To Reality: If you can see it, you can achieve it. ✳️ Mod : Sharing Miracles: Come share your testimony of the miracle you have experienced in your life, and be expecting a miracle. 🙏🏼❤️ 🦅🙏🏼9. Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.10. For if they fall, the one will lift his fellow: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12🙏🏼🦅 💯Helping individuals to gain the confidence, strength, and tenacity, to step out and start their businesses. 🌎If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, self-employed, or know something of value. Ask me how you can share your story on our show. Help someone else change their story by providing golden nuggets and inspiration and gain exposure for your kingdom business. 💎One of my guiding life principles is that “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.”Proverbs 13:22. _________________________________ 💕My passion: 🦅Helping others to not give up. Health & Wealth Enthusiast💰🏥 Overcoming a concussion 🦅🌻💕 _________________________________ 💎On Clubhouse to add value, scale up my business, and make resourceful connections and collaboration. _________________________________ Website: Crystalclearadvisor.comc Email me: [email protected] Habits: 📚Reading 🤗 Encouraging & Helping Others 💯 Constantly Creating If you would like to seed into good soil, we thank you. $ccfrederick