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Vegan Sherry




I have a go fund me going on please go to this link below to help Dobie the blind dog, and watch my video: VEGAN for the Voiceless LGBTQ+ Animal Lover, Foodie (plant based of course ), Animal Rights Activist, Love House Music and Tribal and Speak 4 Languages (French, English, Farsi, Spanish) 💚❤️☺️✌️ Learning Animal Photography 💚 Note: i have 5 very spoiled kids inside the house : 2 cockatiel boys and 3 cats , and a whole lots of other ones in the garden 🥰❤️😍 IG @vegansherry Founder of clubhouse - Vegane pour les Animaux (français) - Vegan baraye Heyvanat (farsi) « We don't come from primates, we are primates. We are not a race, we are a species. We are animals. We are mammals. We are a product of nature. We belong to it and we are a part of it »- David Attenborough