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Pirate Queen Endigo Kat




Affrilachian Artist, NFT Artist, Afrocentric community economic development, empath, Osun priestess. Foundation No matter how I try to conform to the ways and fashions of the world, the world is not my native land. I am magical by choice and skill and initiation and birth. The rules of the world oppose those of my heart, so my heart wearies of trying. I must live in doing and done. Gratitude and Grace of my Grandmother’s prayers. My secret connection to Jesus from childhood in a southern Baptist home. Women of bright hearts and true and protective. Role models. I rise above the noise and relax in my interior castle with my ancestors no struggle no pain. I dance with Osun, breathe freedom with Odin. I am not a normal or regular person my ascension bodisattva vow is to stay here and love all of you and we equally. PQEK Ase Amen Myspace IG Dokkin Using FBM to remember how long I’ve been a zen practitioner. Ah yes when I was agreeing to find a harmless way for me a powerless colored black African American Yoruba Igbo Choctaw Cherokee Scot Irish German mutt to have equality when in a relationship where power and money differential is in place. Zen from a book sitting together every day going to sessin finding and sitting with Charlotte Joko Beck, Tony Packer, Diane Resotto; All female tradition holders of the first Zen masters who came to teach in the USA. The males who came desecrated their vows by seducing students. Hence female teachers stepped up. Not that females are above the use of their dominant power. I must say to this day I center in the wonder and clarity of mind zen practice commands. Nine day silent retreats. Organic food and nature and walking sitting in silence on stone paths worn smooth by nuns feet robins walking and prayers in the air. Fires wood gathered acknowledgment of Grace, wind, water. No words bowing looking down no eyes seen except for check in with sensi that peace here now encouraged at Windhorse Zen Center teachers of blest tradition Lawson sensi and wife balance teach. The 24 hour sit shikantaza no food just water sit breathe till the sunrise brought the golden Buddha centered in a spinning circle of planets in a girdle around her waist then I knew I had awakened to Our divinity. But what year was that since there is no time Cept these messages we carve in space and the blockchain boogaloo. Ase