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Latice Weeks




Hey, beautiful people. I’m [ lah•teese] -Mother🦄, BioMed. Stu. + Entrepreneur. I’m a Radio Personality / Event Coordinator for Power99Gospel ‘2021. . . . Founder, Podcast Host and StoryTeller of UnspokenTruth; a digital journal / creative platform exposing and promoting Unfiltered. Raw and Uncut Truth surrounding Self-Awareness, Self-Healing and Self-Love. 📍Growing Collaborations | Features: TrapxArt. PhotosandPhases. LLBR Podcast. Frankly Speaking. @unspokentruthb. . . . 📌 Interests - Networking. Reciprocating Gems. Reflective + Spicy Conversation. Visual and Written Art. Branding|Aesthetics. MotherHood. Music. Money. Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional Health. . Anything requiring use of my creative vision and words, I gravitate towards. To connect, collab, subscribe or listen ➥ ➥ [email protected] ➥ ❦ Oh, yea. I’m someone’s muse from time to time.