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Global Speakers Platform




We support speakers, entrepreneurs, and coaches on a global scale by having them on virtual and live stages, being on different tv shows, podcasts, magazines and radio. We have videographers, photographers, graphic designers, Marketers, editorial and much more. We want to make sure that coaches get those international clients and get speakers on an international stages. Are you are an entrepreneur, speaker, or a coach that wants to be elevated on a global platform? We are open to collaboration Former CEO of 'Black Lion Entertainment' and 'Kamara Homes' in America. He is affiliated with AmazeTV, AMBTV, Foxstar Film Production, RCG Film Productions, and Radio. Unisa is a Motivational Speaker, television host, radio host, actor, host of Saving Our Next Generation, Moderator for Black Business Expo, co-founder of both Global Speakers Platform and Kamara Youths. Unisa is a Global Youth Advocate and soon to be published author of his life story titled, ‘Walk In My Shoes’ (release: May 2023). My son was killed by another youth, the pain that I felt, created Kamara Youths. Kamara youths support the youths in reflecting on their actions through a psychological aspect. We are currently doing an event every last Saturday of the month via zoom with ten powerful speakers every month. These events are streamed via television to support organisations, businesses, charities and individuals in the effort of empowerment. Join us. Our event is coming up, Saving Our next Generation DM Me The Word “EVENT” and I Will Send You The Link To Register London Based My Instagram is: Unisa Kay