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Shoshanna Richek




Founder: Udeserve2know πŸ’₯ Healthy Lifestyle Advocate πŸ’₯ I empower you to have better health and longevity. I'm an intuitive listener who helps people discover epiphanies. Workshop Leader Team Leader and Public Speaker I have reinvented myself several times and am extremely resilient, always aware of what's possible. My motto: Every moment of each day is an opportunity for a new beginning. πŸ’¨ Innovative πŸ’¨ Intuitive and πŸ’¨ Invigorating Learn more about my stories: I appreciate your follow πŸ˜€ and fanship 😁 Some Passions: πŸ’« High Level Thinking πŸ’« Longevity πŸ’« Living Your Best Life πŸ’« Clearing Techniques πŸ’« Neurolinguistics πŸ’« Positivity πŸ’« Health and Fitness πŸ’« Upping Your Vibe πŸ† Entrepreneur πŸ’‘ Inventor βš• Functional Medicine πŸͺ˜ Djembe Drummer πŸ’ͺ Tonal Workouts 🚲 Bicycling 🌻 Gardening, Outdoors πŸ’« Quantum Physics πŸ€“ Personal and Professional Development 🎀 Distinguished Toastmaster πŸ’ƒ Fluent in Spanish 🎢 Singing 🌊 Living on the Coast ❀ Spreading Joy Books that inspire me: πŸ“– Mindful Self Discipline by Giovanni Dietsmann πŸ“– Eat To Beat Disease by Dr William Li πŸ“– This is Your Brain on Food by Uma Naidoo, MD πŸ“– Beauty as Action by Lisa Lindahl πŸ“– Finish Strong by Dan Green πŸ“– 212 The Extra Degree, Parker | Anderson πŸ“– Navigate 2.0 by SWC πŸ“– Born To Win by Ziglar πŸ“– The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz πŸ“– Take The Stairs by Rory Vaden Other Favorite Authors: Deepak Chopra Greg Braden Wayne Dyer Eckhart Tolle Jack Canfield ...and all the books I've given away πŸ“Charleston, SC