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Tamara Mock




Restructuring the Greatest Transferance Of Wealth and Infinite Abundance for Overflowing Prosperity T.A.M Talent|Acquisitions|Mergers Surfing the web and earning Cryptocurrency by driving organic traffic to urls Let's advance the invisible holy kingdom of heaven together. We believe first then move in faith. As our faith grows we develop extreme faith. Big Leaders take the Biggest Calculated Risks for the Massive Rewards. Think like a venture capitalist strategist Thrive to write everything off as an Ambassador of Christ Jesus's consciousness We can do this by serving God in perfect love. 528Hz radio app transcribes all genres of music from lower frequency energies to higher healing forgiveness theta waves. Vibes of repentance is waking up to soul restoration and the calling us out of this vain and vanity MATRIX. We call entertainment I call it fake and too faced I am ResilientandBrilliant and so are you. Let's Restart2ResetBrilliance 2021 Just Be! Magnetizing Be The Light of Divinity BeResilient Be Brilliant Be the 🌎 world's Hidden Gem 💎✨💖 I drive massive free 100% laser targed digital traffic to hashtags, optimize post and bios. If you can reach millions then you can make millions. I write spoken word poetry...The Queen Esther Story written in post in modern era post Corona trauma... Im Moving In My Purpose not running from Pain of my past or seeking Pleasure to look for the easy way out...What if I could show you your social value behind the web??? I show my private clients how to turn their personal Facebook page into their greatest digital asset. Facebook is gold mine. Gained 100 percent engagement in 28 days by leveraging my mentor's book release. She is number 1 in 7 categories. Even her competitors are buying her book to learn about this hidden gem 💎 I.U.L. stands out all on its own. The Floyd Mayweather of Financial Vehicles it is the one and only Index Universal Life my name Tamara means strong palm tree 🌴 my Chinese name is Wai Ling it means bell that rings celebration of love. I'm on a journey of self discovery learning to Love myself as Christ Jesus would Love 🙏 #UnconditionalAbundantLove #GetIULASAP #QueensNotPawns #ReclaimingHerCrown #ChessNotCheckers #PersonalSoverignty #7mUnderground #SpiritualRestrainingOrders #TheCourtsOfHeaven #MasteringTheFinancialGame #SocialCommerce #Strategist #ReverseTheCurse #WiiSeOwlWise #TrujadeDaisyPRaiER #KnowingWhoYouAreInChrist