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Tray Kearney




Author 📚 Speaker 🎤 Certified Life/Relationships coach Healing agent Autism super mommy I help women heal from the devastation of infidelity. Creator of the movement #NoSideChicking (I hold women accountable for their part in infidelity) My vision is that women will honor, guard and respect each other’s relationships to stop the epidemic of infidelity. I believe women have the power to be our own solution to this age old problem by simply saying no to another woman’s significant other 🤷🏽‍♀️ I host a podcast “Men Hurt Too” where men get to share their truth. I am a mother of three sons who I’ve seen what life and my trauma has done to them. I not only advocate for them but for all black men. I’ve learned on my journey men have trauma that leads to certain behaviors and their is not a lot of resources or safe spaces for men to discuss and work through those traumas. I also believe a man can’t give you what he doesn’t have or exhibited healthy behaviors that he hasn’t been taught or been exposed to. I believe with my vision to help women and men heal simultaneously we can have healthy relationships, homes and communities. Life is what we make it so let’s make it great together. It’s Healing Time!!