Lynn Mendelsohn
🧸ISO a literary agent to help me publish children’s books pertaining to being gluten free (or other food allergies as normalizing food allergies) with different themes! HUGE Gilmore Girls fan ❤️🙌 Join SUPERMOMS Community 👇🏻 Mom of Asher (4 year old with Autism & language impairment), Fibro warrior, food sensitivities foodie traveler, actress, social activist, lover of positivity, 💋teaching moms how to be their child’s best advocate, & spread kindness! (Working towards getting certified to be a Special Education advocate) 🌎Let me plan your next Disney or cruise vacation (travel planner that works with special needs and allergies) I should know I’ve been Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Garlic Free, Onion Free, and maltose deficiency! 👩🏻💻🧸Founder of the SuperMoms community I always want to come from a place of service! ❤️🎉💋 🥳💋Happiness= a Well-lived heartfelt LIFE 🍪NYC based! 🎈🧩Inclusion above all! 🌎🪴Philanthropist and avid volunteer-I believe in teaching social justice at a young age! 🍾Podcast host of Momming with Lynn! Trying to get my children’s book published! ❤️looking for a literary agent! (I don’t want to self publish) ⭕️the circle fan 🥳😝 🔮Fibro warrior 💋She/Her ♾Proud Jewish Mom Biggest Samantha Brown fan! Travel Hacking-ChooseFI is LIFE ✍️ Former CEO of the Official Gluten Free Tour of NYC! Check out my group on Facebook called: Gluten Free Dairy Free New York City! #RadicalHumility #KindnessaboveALL 🥳Ping me into rooms about SAHM’s, NYC, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Fibromyalgia, Traveling with Royal Caribbean w food allergies, worst dating stories, and being your special need child’s best advocate.