🎉Quote of the Week: “There are some things you learn best in the calm. Some in the storm.”(ex. Types of convo on clubhouse?🤔) ❓Question of the week: 1.Will we ever figure out what dark matter is? 2. What do you think about groupthink? Are we prone to filling facts into the narrative? 3.Where are we exactly in the Type 0 —> Type 1 civilization transition process? Any noteworthy findings? Pros and Cons of being in such a time period? Any better ways to classify and categorize civilizations besides the Kardashev scale? 4. How much do you know about the Zeroth principles? What are some specific examples of Zero discoveries at the current moment? (Please give me the Time and Freedom to ask these in the rooms please 🙏🙏🙏) ————————————————— Entrepreneur, connector, and world traveler intent on the lifelong study of human values. Qualia🍎 Nothing else matters. 📍Los Angeles, California, United States Original Founder of “The Most Pointless Conversation Room on Clubhouse” Founder/Creator of the first “Weekend Hackathon Event” on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “Hackathon for Humanity(Social Good)” on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “Hackathon for Koreans/Korean Americans” on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “Hackathon For Minority Programmers” on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “Hackathon for AAPI” on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “24-Hour Hackathon” Room on Clubhouse Founder/Creator of the first “72-Hour Hackathon” on Clubhouse Life goal is to be an explorer. 🏃🏻♂️ - Nature Exploration - Social Exploration - Human Exploration 인생 목표는 위대한 탐험가로 사는 것입니다. 🔭 -자연 탐험 🏕 -사회 탐험 🌇 -인간 탐험🗿 ❤️Language is my mistress. 언어를 사랑하는 사람입니다 Languages: Studying-Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese Can Teach-Korean, English(North American) Born in Seoul, South Korea, Raised Angelino in LA, USA