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Tomoko Mitsuoka




In the past, Co-host of MedTech ❤️ Show AM under Tech News Around the world on Wednesdays 📌Marketing and marketing research in Japan are something I do and enjoy about but moving to something new, too. Storyteller. I cannot save the world but can an will support friends, family and my networks😊 🐣current projects 1)business seed of device development of potential patients monitoring and screening which also can use for support for senior people(on hold now😅) 2)support overseas companies to enter Japan market 3)marketing research for Japan market 4)whatever I can do and am interested in. 🎤Have conducted over 500 interviews from pharmaceutical companies personnels, IT industry related topics, and others. 📌Interested in artificial intelligence areas as well as data analysis lately. Medtech, healthcare, education (young or not) related technologies and silver economy are also interested areas. 🌈Qualitative analysis with good quantitative analysis would help to understand the situation as long as you have good primary questions. 🇯🇵🎌Now living in Japan enjoy food of course🤤 where I was born but 🇬🇧lived in UK total of 5 years for my 🎓undergraduate and 🎓postgraduate in Politics which helps me for research and analysis mindset😅 💝My motto “supporting and be kind each other” is something we need to think deeply especially now. Whatever will be, will be. Visited all over Japan on business trips. There are so many places as well as foods to enjoy. Clubhouse activity 📍Co-host of MedTech Show AM LinkedIn profile: 🎌モットー:人生塞翁が馬が良く脳裏をよぎり、物事は解釈次第だと実生活からも実感しています。 為さばなる、為さぬはならぬ何事も、為さぬは人の為さぬなりけり。 マーケティング、マーケティングリサーチを中心に業務を行なっています。仕事で全都道府県を制覇。コンスタントに移動していた時期も有りましたが結果地元の美味しい食べ物も堪能しました。