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Tomisha Stevens




👋🏾 I am here to network, add value, learn and evolve with amazing people. I am looking to build relationships with like-minded individuals. 🏡 Real Estate & Property Management ®️Realtor- Keller Williams 📍Florida 📍Pennsylvania Our Mission: To build careers worth having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living, experiences worth giving, and legacies worth leaving. 👩🏾‍💻 VP- Client Services and Business Development at Buypower Eminence, LLC Our Mission: “We pride ourselves with helping enfranchise our communities with financial knowledge and strength to energize personal financial responsibility; distinctly, individuals from inequitable backgrounds.” “If you're interested, you will do what is convenient; if you're committed, you'll do whatever it takes.” 🤝 Ways to connect with me: 📞833-428-9769 📧 [email protected] 📧[email protected] 💰Cashapp: TomishaStevens 👇🏾 Follow on Twitter and IG 👇🏾