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Latisha Gray




🎙Co- Host Couples Connect ✨TV & Podcast Host | Marriage Coach| Leadership Facilitator/Consultant Helping couples restore communication, reconnect, rebuild trust and reignite passion💜 To get an invitation to our 2 Day virtual Couples Connection Event visit 🦸🏽‍♀️I love featuring experts & couples on Couples Connect TV show (InspireU TV network) that provide resources to navigate relationships - dm to find out more about feature opportunities 😊 I am here to connect, learn & support. I believe that marriage is work but it’s worth it. Co-Founder of Couples Connect LLC- helping marriages grow, build lasting connections and create the relationship they’ve dreamed of. Married 15 + years - blended family 💯. Just moved to North Carolina, but I’m a Jersey girl! 🙎🏽‍♀️ To schedule a clarity call to find out more about securing a TV Commercial or TV Feature opportunity DM the word Commercial Author of the book Second Chances: When I thought my life was a straight up mess- He came and cleaned it up. Available on amazon.😊 IG: @_couplesconnect_