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Ting Hsu




🏠[精油共學團·芳療簡單說]主持群 💁‍♀️不定時開房討論精油使用與實際個案分享 💛深信宇宙法則👉有「舍」才有「得」 KIN 10 行星 白狗 白鏡/黃太陽/白狗/紅月/藍猴 PSI:KIN248 磁性 黃星星 內在女神力:KIN148 超頻 黃星星 台灣人/Taiwanese 時尚產業的秀導特助➡️跟時差奮戰的國外業務↙️ 邁向芳療師之路的偽單親媽咪主婦/精油共學團副團長 More than meets the eye. Just listen and learn, then share. Knowledge might be power, but it’s much more powerful when it’s shared! Trust the process,your time will come. Work for a cause, not for applause. —————————————————————— Born and raised in TAIWAN Studied in Canada Worked in Australia Lived in China Trying to make the world a better place Exploring the beautiful world with my baby —————————————————————— dōTERRA Wellness Advocate On a mission is to change the world— one drop, one person, one community at a time. ❤️🤟Love & Peace✌️❤️ ——————————————————————