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Tiffany Taylor




🏡 Real Estate Aficionado. 💰 Business Money Coach. 💵Investor Fanatic. ✨ Inspirational Thinker. 📊 Tax Preparation 🏆Financial Freedom Promoter. ✈️Professional Traveler. 🚴🏽‍♀️Peloton Enthusiast. ⚓️Boat Captain. 👋🏽 Love meeting dope people! 🏡 Taylor Realty Group, Managing Broker 💰 The Quad Coaches, Partner and Coach helping busy, world-changers and go-getters get unstuck by setting the operational and financial foundation of their business so they can stand out in their niche, work with dream clients 💵 Real Estate, Cannabis, Life Insurance, Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Oil... ✨ Your life is the physical manifestation of your thoughts, so think big! 📊AmeriDream Tax Pros, CEO 🏆 Multiple Streams of Income ✈️ International Cloud Hopper but I was made in Chicago! 🚴🏽‍♀️ #ThinknBig ⚓️Boating is life! Love Yachts! 🚨🚨Immediate Needs🚨🚨 1. WHOLESALERS!!! I buy properties! 2. HIRING experienced tax preparers to work virtually nationwide! 3. Seeking home sellers 👉🏽to connect with homebuyers👈🏽