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Joanfrances Boyle




Joanfrances Boyle, known as The Scottish Seer©, Past Life Surrogate© and The Psychic Property Surveyor©, has many strings to her bow, so to speak. If she were a musical instrument, she would be a harp. With each string finely tuned and ready to play beautiful music. Joanfrances has spent most of her adult life pursuing the truth about life after death, paranormal activity, past life surrogacy, empathic awakening, energetic systems (Aura & Chakra), mindfulness and the use of Intuitive Mind Power including Target Remote Viewing. Joanfrances has been mediumistic since childhood and in 1987 she decided to follow her intuition and began to work publicly, joining a Spiritualist Church with Healing and Spirit Communication groups. Since then Joanfrances has continued to develop her Natural Abilities and worked within the public and corporate sectors as a Past Life Surrogate, Psychic Property Surveyor, Empathic Diagnostic, and a Psychic Investigator incorporating her intuitive gifts as a: Mediumistic and Psychic Projection. Meaning Joanfrances is Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairambient, Clairelient, Clairempathic, Claireactive, Clairsomatica, Clairenviro, Claircognisant and is a Target Remote Viewer. Along with her Academic achievements as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Master Teacher, ESP Patterning and Executive Firewalking Instructor. Professional Certifications: Clinical Hypnotherapist Tibetan Usui Reiki Master Teacher Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Indian Head Massage Therapist Energetic Sensory Therapy (E.S.P.) Mythic Tarot Consultant and Teacher Executive Firewalking Instructor Book Publication: Joanfrances is delighted to announce her forthcoming book called, ‘Past Life Surrogacy’, which is being published by Balboa Press, – A Division of Hay House Intuitive Development: Target Remote Viewing Past Life Surrogacy (Full Three Aspects) Psychic Property Surveying Spirit Communication Psychic Awakening Aura & Chakra Visualisation Meditation & Mindfulness 14 Dimensions Channelled Systems: Past Life Surrogacy Reveal Intuitive Empathic Diagnostics Reading Auras Intuitively Chakra Discovery Healing Intuitively. Intuitive Life Coaching & Life Purpose Consultations Dimensional Reiki Living D.N. Activation Amaran Reiki System PURCHASE paypal [email protected] FOR OTHER CONTACT CALL on WhatsApp UK 044 7832251798