Karima Gulick
🗺 Patent and Trademark Attorney, 🚀Aerospace Engineer 🤿 Diver ✈️ Pilot 💸 Investor, Polyglot, Traveler, lover of naps and affogato ☕️ + 🍨 开云 💫Serial Entrepreneur 💡 Patent and Trademark Attorney 🚀 Aerospace Engineer 💡 Founder of Innovent Law | innoventlaw.com 👩💻 Systems consultant | helps business owners systemize and automate their business to free up their time and earn more: Systems Engineer who’s built cool stuff from scratch 🌍 Fluent in 5 languages + Beginner Mandarin ❤️ love a good workout, a good round of 🥊 and great food! Reiki Master #shmillie