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Mark Patterson




I am an artist, writer, designer in Indianapolis. I work internationally to develop brands for corporations, products, and individuals. I consult, coach, and create with a deep passion for unlocking and unleashing your unique creativity. I am passionate about ideas and innovation and transforming people from every strata of society helping them discover, package, and market their unique creativity. Currently working in many countries in Africa to transform artisanal farmers into ecopreneurs through a non-profit NGO. Also working in Nashville with artists in the music industry. I will be launching The Brand Artist Imperative soon... to build a global movement of empowered people who see themselves as unique brands with a passion to make a difference CLIENTS 3M Eli Lilly and Company Apple DowBrands Racal Thales I have worked in the film industry, the music industry, financial services, and pharmaceuticals. Instagram: mark patterson.thebrandartist