Mike Mitchell
Writer: grants, biz plans, marketing << $20 rebate when you spend $100 from this bank: Found.com/refer/PG59XJ >> Transformational ideas. Help business & nonprofits be more profitable. $2b in client costs saved. 💰New markets for your products 🤝Open process blockages & accelerate customer/donor attraction 📣Focus on tech development, nonprofit renewal and sustainability. Writer - Teacher - Strategist - Speaker - Nonprofit fundraising Bilingual: English and Southern, functional in New England dialects Books published -Minimum Essential Business Plans -Doing Art as a Business -Evaluating Technology Readiness -Doing Business on the Road -Doing Ministry During Disaster -Hope for Struggling Churches -One Year in a Small Church HarwinHouse.com TurnaroundChurches.com StartupDayton.com CelestialManna.org My links - Bento.me/MikeMitchell LinkedIn: Mike-Mitchell-0960154