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Teia Atkins




Techie | Creative | Couch Potato I lead a team of developers, ux/ui designers and project managers creating digital experiences for progressive candidates and causes 👩🏾‍💻@Middle Seat Digital 📌Washington, DC 👩🏾‍🎓🦅GSU - #SouthernNotState Campaigns and Orgs I’ve worked with: American Cancer Society, ACLU, Ayanna Pressley, Justice Democrats, Color of Change, Working Families Party, Google, Gary Chambers, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation GSA Customer Experience Hackathon winner DC Wordcamp Speaker Tech lady hackathon speaker ~10yrs in tech ✔️Team Lead, Business development ✔️Web Dev, PHP, JS, CSS, Wordpress ✔️UX ✔️Project Management Random things I like 🤔 Anime | natural hair care | mommy things | flag football Here for conversations on women empowerment, minorities in tech, branding, creativity and any other aspiring conversations 💚✊🏾