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Teelia Lowery




🎖Army Veteran 👩🏽‍🎓BA in Journalism 🎬Filmmaking 🧘🏾Certified Life Coach 👩🏽‍🎓MA in Communication loading... I am a New Jersey native who found her way to Houston, Texas. 🎬Filmmaker, Documentarian, Director, Producer ✍️Self Published Author 🤓Educator ❤️Poetry 📰 Reporter I have a background in video production, music production, aerial photography, journalism, filmmaking, and radio and life coaching. My passions are ✍️writing, 📷aerial photography, 🎤singing, 🛼roller skating, 💻researching ✈️ Traveling ✅ Looking to connect with different industries and collaborate on future projects. CEO of 2GOODMEDIAPRODUCTION LLC