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LeeAnn Kostro




🏘 Connecting Sellers & Buyers 🇺🇸 Realtor®️ | Cameron Prestige 🌠 Team Leader | Team Living Well 📍 Licensed in MA & NH 💍 Married 👫 Mom 👯‍♀️ Mia (aka grandmother) 🪖 Marine MoM 👭👭👭🧍‍♀️7 sisters - no brothers 😂 📱 617.600.8841 📩 [email protected] 🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️ Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world. – Franklin D. Roosevelt 🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️When we are empathetic to the struggles, pain, and experiences of others, we are more likely to be fueled to fight for change! 🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️🔸◽️