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Toshinari Chinen




日米で不動産投資事業を展開。🇯🇵🇺🇸 マレーシアMM2H保有🇲🇾 シンガポール🇸🇬クアラルンプール、ペナン🇲🇾 携帯電話、お金の運用、選択的夫婦別姓に関する記事を中心にブログを執筆: 選択的夫婦別姓: 100人いれば100通りの人生があります。多様性を認める風土を醸成したいです。妻から改姓に伴う様々な不便さを聞いています。妻の苦痛は私自身の苦痛と捉えて、選択的夫婦別姓への理解を世間一般に広めたいと考えて執筆しています。特に、娘を持つお父様には、是非、読んでいただきたいです。現行の法制度では、将来、あなたの娘さんが婚姻時に姓で辛い思いをする可能性があります。ご自身の娘さんが自分の名前を結婚後もそのまま使い続けることのできる選択肢があったほうがいいとは思いませんか? お金の話: サラリーマン時代から、1つの収入源に頼ることのリスクを意識していました。それ故、国内外で、様々な投資にチャレンジしています。私が提供する情報は、私自身が一般庶民なので、皆さまも、その気にになれば再現可能なものです。 ご質問、ご感想等は大歓迎です。メッセージお待ちしております。 趣味: 旅行(JGC、SFC holder)✈️ ドライブ 🚗 愛知県出身、東京都在住 Real estate investment business in Japan and the United States. Owns Malaysia MM2H Pass. Travels to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Penang several times a year. Writes a blog with articles on cell phones, money management, and selective separation of family name. Selective separation of family name within a married couple: If there are 100 people, there are 100 different life stories. I want to foster a culture that recognizes diversity. I want to appeal to the public to understand the selective separation of the surname. Japan forces to use a unified surname within a married couple. That means around 96% of women gave up using their original surname when married. I have heard from my wife about the various inconveniences associated with changing my name. I recognize my wife's pain as my pain, and I am writing this article to spread understanding of the selective separation of the surname among the general public. In particular, I would like fathers who have daughters to read this article. Under the current legal system, there is a possibility that your daughter will have a hard time with her surname at the time of her marriage. Wouldn't it be better if your daughter had the option to continue to use her original surname after marriage? Money Talks: Ever since I was a salaried employee, I have been aware of the risks of relying on a single income source. Hence, I have been trying various investments, both domestic and overseas. The information I provide can be reproduced if you are willing to do so. I welcome your questions and comments. I look forward to hearing from you. Hobbies Travel (JGC, SFC holder) Driving  Born in Nagoya, living in Tokyo Twitter: @tchinen1 Instagram: t_chinen Facebook: