Tasha Chen
EPIC Money Manifestor 💰 ❤️ Easy & Relaxed Success ✨ Believer in Living The Certain Way 💵 Lover of like-minded people pursuing and abundant lifestyle Co-Founder - Science of Getting Rich Academy I show Entrepreneurs how to create profitable businesses that allow them to enjoy the lifestyle they have longed for in an easy and relaxed way 🏖 👉 Grab My FREE Gratitude for Money Journal VISIT: tashachen.com/MoneyGratitude 📞 Book a call HelpMeGetRich.com 💰 Join The Challenge ⚡️MoneyAttractionChallenge.com 📥 Email [email protected] 💜 DESERVINGNESS & Money Masterclass tashachen.com/deserve Connect with me on IG and FB to be inspired by how I model easy success and share tips so you can do the same 👇 FB Group : Money Attraction Community 👉🏼 My Club is the 1st one on the left below, go ahead and join us ⤵️ Club Name - Science Of Getting Rich ✨ ClubHouse Intentions : 🎯 Have REAL conversations about money that inspire millions of people to create as much abundance as they desire ! 🎯 Share EVERYTHING I know about Manifesting Money 💰 QUICKLY 🏃♀️ 🎯 Build a loving and supportive community for my Club “Science Of Getting Rich” 🎯 Remind every human that Money Needs YOU so it has purpose and function !