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◆ SFC(4期) > American Univ. (MA in Int’l Communication / MBA in Mgmt of Global IT @ Washington DC ) ◆ Policy Intern @ the Heritage Foundation > 米ソフトウェアベンダー> 総合商社系コンサル > 会計事務所 > ITスタートアップ > 現職 現職 ◇ TA・カンパニー株式会社 代表 ◇ ペーパーロジック株式会社 戦略アドバイザー 文書情報電子化支援コンサルタントやってます。日本で1人でも多くの方が「紙」のために出勤することのない、「いつでも」「どこでも」「誰とでも」働ける社会を実現するために活動をしています。 RPAとかAIとかブロックチェーンとか言ってますが、まずはアナログな紙を電子データに変換する、まずはそこからです! その他 - 二児の父(10歳・4歳) - バイリンガル教育やってます(長男は都内インター、次男はプリスクール在学中) - 趣味:ランニング/読書/語学/SNS ————- Hello! Thank you for reading my bio. My name is Taro from Tokyo, Japan. I am business consultant for digitalizing business process and business document. (Unfortunately, Japan is one of the least digitalized countries in the world. So there is a big market for digitalization. ). I would like to contribute to develop workplace which enable Japanese people to work from anywhere, at anytime, and with anyone. Present: - President, TA Company Inc. - Strategic Advisor, Paperlogic Corp. Before: - Director, Paperlogic Corp. - Senior Consultant, Business Development Group, Aoyama Sogo Accounting Office - Senior Consultant, Maxis Consulting Corp. - Consultant, i2 Technologies Japan. - Policy Intern, Asia Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC Academic: MA/MBA, American University (Washington DC, USA) 2002 BA in Policy Management SFC, Keio University (Japan) 1997 I am also - a father of 2 sons (10 and 4) - a runner, book lover, and SNS addicted person (I am very excited about clubhouse, the new type of SNS which connect people. ) - bi-lingual!? (Japanese(Native), English (but I have not speak for a long time....) ) - Mandarin: used to study when I was a grad student (It was 20 years ago...) - German: just started to learn.