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Influencer for passion, clean water, wetlands and Earth Day. Visit my link tree to explore our June 8th “World Ocean Day!” on Clubhouse - an 18hr marathon summit involving over 14 eco related houses. To play replays visit my Twitter account and scroll down and select the replay you want to hear on 18 topics of concerns for our oceans. 🌊🌊🌊. S🤎W💙A❤️M🤍P💚Y💛 🌊🌊🌊🌊 SWAMPY is a word acronym for: 🤎 Soils - “Do you like to get muddy buddy?” 💙 Waters - “What flows around comes around” ❤️ Animals - red as our life blood bio indicators 🩶 Mankind - silver somewhere been black & white 💚 Plants - green aquatic breath holders 💛 Youth - yellow for kids and our 🌞 I’ve lived my dream for over 40 years in eco education and applications - being a child of the Green Generation! Visit my Linktree with links to: 💦 SWAMPY Says - latest 💧news 💦 SWAMPY Social - media platform 💦 SWAMPY Safari - orgs to follow 💦 SWAMPY Studios - YouTube videos 💦 SWAMPY School kids eco ed Swampy ‘currents events’: 1) Invite Kent Glade aka Swampy virtually to your school business or event! 2) Join me in creating my “Swampy and Friends” kids TV show! 3) Serve on my board as secretary or treasurer. 4) Partner and make money with production of 3D Swampy for school kids. 5) Barter services with me to use my Swampy stamp to show your business and organization commitment to clean water nature and sustainability via GoSwampy Linktree! Https:// Owwll expert