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Suzette Bailey




Create marketing content in minutes 🥝 | ♣️ club owner Content Marketing ♣️| Entrepreneur 👩🏼‍💻| AI Geek 🤖 | Trekkie 🖖 🌟 Sign up for our FREE forever account to generate your marketing content in under a minute: 👉 👥 Unique Content Creation Facebook Group 👉 🎥 Create videos to promote your business in minutes 👉 I’m the CEO of SimpleMarketing.AI, an AI 🤖platform for generating unique marketing content in minutes for your business! 🥳 Expertise in a nutshell: 👉 Automating Marketing Content Creation 👉 Automation and Systems 👉 Working Smarter not Harder 👉 Business Strategy 👉 AI tech for Entrepreneurs Club ♣️: Content Marketing Looking for: 🤷‍♀️Entrepreneurs and Business Owners struggling with creating marketing content 👐 Strategic Partners for Simplemarketing.AI 📣 Moderators and Speakers for Content Marketing club rooms 🤝 Reach out to me on Instagram if you want to connect 😊 Bio: I’m a bioscience graduate who built a successful multi-million dollar Australian IT company. Sensory7, in the Information Management space. Through this business my team and I supported government agencies and corporations to redesign, streamline and automate systems for over twenty years. Along the way I’ve founded several start-ups in the training and e-commerce areas, earned a Master in Online Communication, and raised four children to adulthood. I have won numerous awards, including a Special Commendation for the Canberra Woman in Business award and for innovative solutions at GovHack. My background includes extensive experience as a trainer and presenter, running large events for business owners, sharing my experiences in books and talks and working as a mentor for start-ups via InnovationACT.