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Summer DeCoste




HOPE Dealer; Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer; 💜🦋 Journey to discover the Art of really living. Artist. Join my team to end pancreatic cancer! 4/29/2024 in Richmond, Va or donate to help! 👉Link in IG BIO 💜 Thank you for considering! 💜Building strength where I’m weak and building UPON where I’m strong. Sharing my whole body wellness journey to include mind and soul. Community is key! 💜Painting is my passion and part of wellness therapy. Painting daily! Mediums: Watercolor, Alcohol Ink, Graphite pencil, Encaustic Clubhouse Home: ⏰ How to Eat an Elephant?! 🐘 Tackling challenging topics, one bite, one conversation and one day at a time. 💜There’s beauty in the ashes. Love my pups and my chickens! They add life to our years & I’m thankful for them. ❤️🐕🐕‍🦺🦮🐓🐔🐣
