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Lara McCulloch




▪️Brand Positioning Expert▪️ Moving 10,000 businesses from Land of Ambiguity to a Disruptive Cure | #eventprofs founder | Keynote Speaker Ex-agency strategist consulting to Fortune brands, now teaching SMBs to become the leaders in their industries by disrupting with their brand positioning and messaging. Travelled the world - China, Australia, Philippines, Canada, US - as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. Proud recipient of Connect Magazine's Top 40 under 40 . Rejuvenate Magazine's Top 40 under 40 . CSE's Best Industry Blog . BizBash’s Event Industry Innovator List . CEIA Spirit of the Industry Award . ILEA Toronto Dedication & Leadership Awards Sledded down an active volcano, jumped the highest tandem skydive in the world, swam with sharks, bungee jumped over a rainforest, spelunked 16 stories underground and walked on random Lego pieces for about 5 years.