Stacy Braiuca
tl;dr 🐿Divergent | 1#11oz 👼🏻🏴🪶🇺🇸Tenacious Survivor | 📱GeekGirl | 💕🥜🫓🥞| 3/5 Generator #HumanDesign | Nin se Bodewadmikwe Shishibanikwe | Clinical #SocialWorker | #PublicHealth Educator | RIP 2016 #blabOG | Founder of the Find Your Formula™ Coaching Programs ♣️🏠 & Wisdom 💯👇🏻 Read more below 👇🏻💯 My name is Stacy Braiuca, affectionately known as The Technology Therapist™ & Squirrel Wrangler. One thing I know after 25 years as a therapist, is humans want to change, but don’t know how or don’t want to do the work to change. Change is a "constant", yet vital to life. I have spent my career guiding others through the change process & I am on a mission to spread tenacity and life balance in this world. As a geek in a non-geek profession (social work and public health) I observed the stress and limitations in productivity technology fear caused my co-workers. This led me to combining my two loves into one arena to solve their fear from a "geek" and a therapist's combined perspective. Now, entrepreneurs and thought leaders hire me to develop sustained passion and purpose, because most are not fully using the tools, resources, and systems they already have, they can't keep up with everything, and they are not investing enough in themselves. So I join with them to co-create new paradigms, plans, and processes, to be more efficient, healthy, and reap the rewards of their lives. Bottom line... without the right formula, you can't sustain all of the things you love, (and you've gotta #automate2liberate with a Technology Therapist™). Let's find your formula at Connect with me and get weekly updates on the Technology Therapist™ App at Come join my free weekly coffee social chat on Wednesday mornings at