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Sid McNairy




“I am here to help all find the ability to access Peace in their lives to access love in every way. Peace is the Power to Live by! Win at everything.” I am Sid McNairy. I bring Peace to the lives of others through the example in my life. My content is generated from 48 plus years of meditating, coaching collegiate football starting in 1992. World traveling yoga teacher, speaker, and more. 10 countries and 26 states and counting. 2028 Future President Elect. - Rise TV show Mondays 8:00pm est - Peace Program 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. 7:00pm est - 13 Plus Think Tank 7:00pm est Thursday of the month 7:00pm est -Teacher Trainings, Global Leader Training, Retreats, Program and Community Visit for more information. Also visit and join the RISE movement.
