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sZara Coote




“Shoosh” No More Est. 2014. As a Specialist Practitioner & Tactic Rhyme Writer, I use 'Rhyme Based Therapy‘ to support and teach us about the tactics and cycle of abuse ✍️ Therapeutic models are used to help you understand the tactics and the cycle of abuse and to be supported to live free from another’s power & control! So many of us are forced to keep silent! Freedom from that is priceless, conversations change, and save lives! In 2014, keeping secrets and silent ended for me. Rhyme writer ✍️ 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I’m sharing messages & speaking the truth, I help others learn what’s in our heart, soul & mind, asking what’s those ? under your hairy roof! Sharing how there is a right and wrong way to use our tongue, More importantly it should never be used to be unkind to anyone! Our words have a power to directly destroy, But together we can reclaim our voices, filled with words of love, care and joy! Shoosh No More writes rhymes giving information for you to retain, This important information is then easier to store in our brain! Shoosh No more speak up and out! Even if you are nervous or have even a little tiny bit of doubt!! You’re not broken, you wait and see, I guarantee guidance, a chuckle and a supporting cup of tea? You’ve got nothing to lose by reaching out & connecting with me 😊 Szara ********************************** You deserve to feel safe, to be supported and guided through confusion and hurt, to live the best life, the one you truly deserve 🦋 Shoosh No More To Feel Free! Conversations change lives & you will… ⭐️Be heard! -I hear you! ⭐️Believed! -I believe you! ⭐️Sharing caring/friendly life changing support! When we are amazing, caring, loving and giving?- Protecting ourselves is crucial in order to stay safe and free from those who seek power and control over us, those who seek to abuse us! ⛔️THERE ARE NO EXCUSES TO ABUSE⛔️ 🚨Never give your life away without ‘knowing’ …the predators await those who don’t know!!🚨 I built the help and support we need 😇 Tapping in to the SUPER HERO! 🦋That is YOU! *********************************** Save your life from * Abusers * Narcissists * Perpetrators * Dominators THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO- *Abuse *Bully *Power & Control *Isolate you *Lie Professionally Qualified with 30 years experience to offer life saving & life changing future! Offering bespoke & holistic support!