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Shilpa Agarwal




📚Book Coach | ✍️Author | 📖 Founder of Chapter One Publishers | ☕️Lover of chai Join my club for 📚✍️ goodness: “Aspiring SelfHelp Authors” #FreeGift1 🎁 ✍️📚 Nail Your Compelling Book Idea [3-day free course] 🔗 Are you an aspiring author, coach, entrepreneur, or leader ready to write your first or next book? Then👆this 👆is for you. #FreeGift2 🎁 Join my #Authormind Facebook group: It’s a mastermind for present and future female #authors In my clubhouse chats you can expect conversations around the following topics: - Enoughness - Your Story Matters - Pathway to Author Success - Nailing your Compelling Book Idea Creator of: 1) Nail Your Compelling Book Idea - a 3-day mini course 📚 💡 2) Unleash the Author Within - a 20 week program to go from rough idea to finished manuscript 3) I Can Write A Book - 10 day Challenge Weekly Room: Every Wednesday @ 10am Adelaide 📚👉 Your Story Matters: Write that book in 2021! (1 hour) 📚👉This is for: Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Leaders who want to write a non-fiction book 📚👉Resistance towards writing shows up in the form of doubt, fear, guilt, unworthiness and so many other forms. It has killed enough ideas and has stopped enough books from being written. Let’s unite every week to disempower these saboteurs and take baby steps to progress your manuscript to completion. ⏱ 10:30 AM Sydney / 10am Adelaide ⏱ 11:30pm London GMT ⏱ 5:30pm Eastern Time (prev. day Tuesday) 🇮🇳