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Shamoni Gilani




💎 Creator of the 6 Figure Stand out Niche and Messaging Roadmap The ONLY Intuitive Niche and Message Clarity Expert known for helping coaches and entrepreneurs “intuitively” clarify their perfect niche, message and copy, so they can stand out and attract their ‘Ready to Pay’ soul clients with ease. DM ME “CLUBHOUSE” on Insta below to get connected or to reach out if you need my help with clarity on your niche and messaging. 💪 AKA: “QUEEN OF CLARITY”. ZONE OF GENIUS & SPECIALISM: ▪️Intuitively tapping into the right niche and specialism aligned to your purpose with impressive precision ▪️ Clarity of your ideal soul client ▪️ Helping multi-passionates narrow down to the one thing without it feeling like a sacrifice ▪️ Align to the perfect message that attracts ready to pay soul clients in RECORD time. ▪️Designing unique signature systems for brands with titles and messaging that stands out ▪️Wordsmith: coming up with names, titles and taglines ▪️ Differentiation and identifying your USP so you can communicate what makes you unique to cut through the online noise ▪️ Helping you describe the benefits of your work through soulful copy If you are struggling to define your niche or the words to explain what you do.... 🗣DM ME “CLUBHOUSE” if you want me to give you a “FREE mini niche and message audit” so you know where you stand with your niche, messaging and positioning Your message matters and there are people waiting to work with me when they understand what you do. 📜Story: 😔Struggled with own clarity for 10 years. Got stressed, frustrated and sick as a result. Was bedridden and housebound for 2 almost years. After helping a friend who spent 13K and still didn’t get clear on his niche or message. I decided to step in. His confidence, messaging, content, leads and sales skyrocketed. 🎉This boosted my own confidence. soon as I positioned myself with the right expertise and message and 8/8 coaches said YES and I hit my first ever £10K month and went into making 6 figures 2 years in a row. I now have my multi 6-7 figure business coaches sending me their clients to get clarity as I do this with UNMATCHED RESULTS. I now help coaches with my 6 Figure Stand Out Messaging Method. DM ME “CLUBHOUSE” below on Insta to connect and find out how I can help you put your niching and messaging struggles to bed... for good. 🌍 [email protected]