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Dr. BD




I am thou, thou art I…. Happily married Openly Polyamorous 6’4” (Because that matters on this app) Sun: ♌️ Moon:♍️ Rising:♍️ Life Path Number: 22 Card: 8♣️ Human Design: 2/4, Manifesting Generator, Sacral Authority, Right angle cross of contagion (29/30 | 8/14) 🄿🅁🄾🄽🄾🅄🄽🅂: (He/Him/His) 🥼Doctor of Pharmacy 👨🏾‍⚕️💊 👀 Sex Coach 💋 🧡💚 FAMU Grad 🐍🐍🐍 🖤💛 ΑΦΑ ❄️🦍 Certified Nerd 📍San Antonio, TX