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Japanese in Japan 顎関節症より回復中❤️‍🩹 Non no potuto parlare a lungo perché mi faceva male la mascella, ma finalmente posso. I couldn’t speak a long time because my jaw aches, but finally I can! ✏️Interests Chart analysis📈, Finance analysis💰 🏠Sono di Kanagawa, vivo a Osaka da 10anni. 👩‍🦰関西在住のハマっ子 面白いことが好きです English and Italian learner. 職業/Job/lavoro: トレーダー/Trader/Commerciante I sometimes open my room for my followers. If you would like to learn Japanese, feel free to enter my room. Although I am always learning English and Italian and not good at speaking them, I will be so happy to share the special time with you.