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Yichun Chen




Taiwanese in Singapore 流亡海外的國文老師 喜歡語言、聲音和各種話題。 🇹🇼台灣出生,台灣長大 🇸🇬新加坡在駐中。 覺得當個流浪教師只在台灣太狹隘,不如就出國流浪來場大的,結果一不小心就卡在新加坡了。 小時候被說了未來會靠嘴吃飯,所以從小就熱愛用聲音表演。學過朗讀、演說,還莫名其妙待了好多年合唱團。 A Chinese teacher born in 🇹🇼 Taiwan graduated in Taiwan 🇹🇼 but working in Singapore 🇸🇬. Scared that world will not wait for me to explore it, therefore I decided to go to aboard before it's too late. Finally located in Singapore and have been living here for 10 years. Learned reading aloud and speech as the punishment and agreement between me and my teacher, because I was way too talkative in class. Frankly, I love to explore and share things about languages and voices but also I interested in various types of things. SWITCH SW-7532-7103-6529 我們的小綠屋——為台灣人留盞回家的燈。 希望大家在各地努力生活的同時,也能可以在這裡找到一個放鬆的空間,好好休息,往下一站出發! 早安午安晚安,我是孔明燈~ ⬇️我們的官方IG ⬇️專題資料彙整與Q&A提問處 ⬇️有任何需要要聯絡我們的也歡迎喔!
