Sean Moffitt
Founder, Grey Swan Guild/Managing Director, Futureproofing Always curious about the future and trying to make current world a little better place. Innovation of all stripes is my sweet spot - corporate, scaleup, public, social, startup, product, experience, transformations, business models and ecosystems. Go beyond the superficial, polarized and obvious to see what lies beneath or hidden in full sight - foresight, trends, futures, sense-making, collective intelligence, co-creator and open innovator. Author: Futureproofing The Future Beyond Innovation , Wikibrands - Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace Grey Swan Guild - Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges - join our Guild. Author of 25 trend and foresight studies, The Customer Zeitgeist & The Emerging 30 Tech, Metatrends 25 - have a read International media commentator, keynote speaker and corporate/scale up/ start up helper with various articles, tools and infographics read and seen by millions in the innovation world. Faculty - Futureproofing Acadeny Futureproofing Podcaster/ Webcaster: Futureproofing Now Founder, Grey Swan Guild Fascinated with the future, innovation and change & bringing it all forward. Author, ecosystem innovator, change agent, intrepid explorer, futureproofer and sensemaker. Shackleton of the Fuiture. Clubhouse Host: Futureproofing - the Future Beyond Innovation 4pm ET Tuesdays Digiball - How Technology Changes the Sports We Lead, Fan and Play 4pm ET Fridays The Grey Swan Guild - Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges 1pm ET Fridays 11am ET Sundays Six Tool Innovation++ Champion: Applied Innovation, Business Models & Ventures Customer, Brands & Growth Futures, Trends & Sensemaking Strategy, Vision and Direction Talent, Leadership & Culture Technology, Digital & Transformation