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Sean Black




HASHEM • Family• World, in that order! 🔯 • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 • 🌍 I am past, present and future versions of myself! #ADOS 🇺🇸 in real life! Hebrew Name: נחשון = Nachshon(pronounced) American Descendant of Slavery BSS Congregation (Baltimore) My life can mostly be explained through these cinema works: •Doing Jewish (Amazon Prime) •The African-Americans: Many Rivers To Cross (PBS) •Reconstruction: America After The Civil War (PBS) •Black Panther Party: Vanguard of A Revolution (PBS) I am willing to 👂🏾and converse, because nobody wins when we argue! TV/Film producer•Veteran• Social Justice Advocate• Mentor • Friend • Husband • Father • Life Liver 🎥 Contributing Partner: Vetrepreneur Visions🎬 “Terror On The Rappahannock” & “Collide” *OUT NOW on Amazon* 🎧🎤 Founder: Lil Buddy Entertainment🎬 🎥 📲💻 🏆Emmy Award Winner🏆 The pandemic interrupted the 💰raising efforts for our first feature! 🎙Host: Sean Explains The World! If you read books written by American Descendants of Captivity written as far back as the 1900s you can see that America has done little, to weave us into the fabric of American life as made evident by the events of last year and the beginning of 21’. 📍Chicago born and bred! 📍Baltimore Living!! Chicago gave me my love and Brooklyn gave me my legs. Educated by the great Dr. Larry Hawkins at The Program at U of C 🎓EMPEHI (Morgan Park) Grad 🎓SUBR (Alum) 🎓Full Sail (Digital Cinematography)(BS) 🎓Full Sail (Entertainment Business) (MS) Ret. SSG (Army)(Signal Corps)(Iraq) “It’s not where you launch, but where you land!” -Me