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Scott Krauger




Scott Krauger - I work alongside scientists, engineers, and inventors to bring disruptive game changing tech-nologies to market. My passion is shared with the BeQuest Tech Team – together we drive-market-innovation, next generation tech-nologies and solutions that make a lasting difference to the world today and for generations to come. I am a marketer, growth hacker, servant leader, entrepreneur, father, and a dreamer. A bring real change to our world with the highest level of integrity and excellence. is in center of what is being called the 4th industrial revolution with agriculture leading the way. I have a precision-focus and full-time dedication to leading my team at BeQuestTech in the global fight against the coronavirus. I am determined to bring the FLASH™ CHQR™ ID technology to market as quickly as possible and in the most cost-effective manner possible.