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Claude Strobbe




“ do more every day which makes you happy “ “ sailors write their plans in sand at low tide “ be a vagabond, go sailing ⛵️ 📍Living in Tokyo - Japan 🇯🇵 🏡 Born in Brussels - Belgium 🇧🇪 🗣 Polyglot 🇳🇱 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇯🇵 ✅ Love sailing ⛵️scuba diving 🤿 bicycle 🚲 running 🏃 ♏️ Scorpio 🩸 blood type 血液型 A + 🍽 Love plant - fruit food 🥦🥕🥒🍅🥬🍠🥑🍓🍌🍓 🥥🍇🥝🍉🍏 ⛵️ Spending most of my time on my sailboat ⛵️ “ anaïs “ ⛵️ 🗺 Looking for to discover the Southern Cross 🌌 while sailing ⛵️ to the Marquesas 🇵🇫 📖 Bernard Moitessier « Vagabond des mers du Sud » 📖 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “ … teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” Studied Architectural Design at the wrong moment, CAD was coming up, left before the end. I knew, you’re gonna have to learn all your life. I still learn something new every day. Before the past: CBS RECORDS Belgium ( Vinyl ) Promotion and Public Relations manager. Launched The Philadelphia Sound in Europe; Billy Paul, The Three Degrees… and I had close encounters with big names from the legendary rocking ‘70 Past: CMAS ** scuba diving instructor in Red Sea Egypt, North Male Atoll Maldives and Eleuthera Bahamas. 🧜‍♂️ Club Med scuba diving and photo lab GO Thulagiri Maldives - Eleuthera Bahamas - Hurghada Egypt 🏅Underwater photography and film. Festival de l’image sous-marine Antibes Juan-Les-Pins Accumulated above 7,000 dives Before the present: Created the first LEONIDAS© famous belgian 🇧🇪 chocolate shops in Japan 🇯🇵 and later I created my own brand belgian chocolate 🍫 CORNET D’OR© Present: 🚤 JMRA - Recreational boat license instructor and sailing ⛵️ in Tokyo Before the future: ✳️ Clubhouse is now 👋 Future: ⛵️Sailing and 🤿 scuba diving around 🌊 the Pacific Ocean including 🏝French Polynesia ⚓️TSPS: Teaching Japanese boat license in English There’s a silver thread that connects everything we have ever done to the exact spot we are occupying right now. Am I glad I made it. Thank you for supporting the refit of sailboat “ anais “ PayPal: