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Ryan Bale



friends "Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person that you become." - Jim Rohn At Culture Makers we're on a mission to bring personal, professional, and leadership development to all levels of the work place environment, regardless of the environment and work place. Everyone deserves to be led well. And as leaders in our homes, places of work, families, schools, and communities, we ought to be at the forefront of the development of the minds of those that we are serving with our leadership. And we ought to make it our duty to open the hearts and elevate the minds of those that come into our circle of influence so that we may send them home better sons, daughters, husbands, wives, and mothers and fathers. When individuals have a strong sense of self-efficacy, self-confidence, and a growth mindset, they are more likely to take on challenges and be resilient in the face of adversity. This kind of mental strength enables people to make informed decisions, take calculated risks, and communicate effectively with others. When individuals with empowered minds are part of a team, they can help to create a positive and productive work environment. They are more likely to collaborate and share ideas, and they are not afraid to speak up when they see opportunities for improvement. They also tend to be more supportive of their colleagues and are willing to help others succeed. Moreover, individuals with empowered minds can inspire others on their team to adopt similar mindsets, which can lead to a culture of empowerment throughout the organization. Ultimately, an empowered team is one that is better equipped to tackle challenges and achieve its goals.