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Russell Green




πŸ’°Money without a plan is wasted πŸ”‹ Building a business focussed MoneySavingExpert membership club. 🎒 Raised over Β£100m for β€˜000s of the UK's most dynamic SMEs πŸ”΄ Found Β£10’sM of risks business owners didn't know πŸ‘₯ Created and Managed teams of up to 75 people in Risk Management for the worlds largest payments company. πŸ‘· Saved and created β€˜000s of jobs 🀩 The last business I worked in grew 100x in 2 years. πŸŽ™οΈ Founder of Amplify, a UK business helping SMEs grow by understanding their cashflow and funding opportunities 🧠 Accounting, Automation, and Credit Modelling AI πŸ›°οΈ Father of 3 πŸ“ Sandbach, England