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Royce Jones




God First Everyone & Everything Else Follows! Mental Health Coach/Advocate/LLPC, Youth Mentor, and Social & Emotional Intelligence catalyst. Active seeker of change with the creation of PaceSetters where I’ve taken on the challenge of helping others “Breaking Mental Barriers.” Everyone has a “race” or purpose in life. One of the reasons we don’t live up to our greatness is because we have mental barriers that we allow to hold us back. I’ve created this community so we can help each other with that. Often times we don’t surround ourselves with people who can help us run and finish our race. A PaceSetter realizes that their race is like everyone else’s, but they are responsible for finishing their own. They know it requires discipline and training to complete their race. They know the prize for their race is not something tangible but one that has Devine purpose and every step is intentional. They discipline their mind, body, and soul and lead with authenticity. 1. What message or legacy will you finish your race with? 2. Who are the PaceSetters that will help you finish and finish strong? *Always remember “Your Mental Health Is Your Wealth!” Provides: Coaching | Counseling | Mentorship | Speaker | Business Consultation | DBT Skills Cert | CBT Coach [email protected]