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🏳️‍🌈 ሮቤል መሰረት ሀይሉ 🇪🇹 👉🏾🇿🇦 👉🏾🇺🇸 📍Washington, DC He/him/his Unapologetic Gay Ethiopian🇪🇹🌈 Humanity and Human Rights First ⚖️ "ማንም፡— እግዚአብሔርን እወዳለሁ፥ እያለ ወንድሙን ቢጠላ፥ ሐሰተኛ ነው፤ ያየውን ወንድሙን የማይወድ ያላየውን እግዚአብሔርን ሊወደው እንዴት ይችላል?" 1ኛ ዩሐ 4 ፥ 20 ⚠️ FYI: Room presence ≠ Endorsement “Don't waste your time hating me; you can't change me! Instead, hate your impotent life; THAT you can change.” - Steve Maraboli ☑️ Web Developer ⌨️ ☑️ Ethiopian LGBTIQA+ Right Advocate ☑️ Co-founder of House of Guramayle ☑️ Alen Show Host ☑️ Something Loading 🚧 👨🏾‍💻 “Race, Gender, Religion, Sexuality, we are all people, and that's it. We're all people. We're all equal.” - Connor Franta