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Tamara White




I am passionate about helping others manifest a life of balance and purpose. I love to meet people, discover who they are at the core and get excited when they share or reveal what puts fire in their belly. I have weathered the black eyes and bloody noses of corporate politics and believe we can all enhance our leadership influence and contribution by identifying and honoring our values and purpose. It is then that we can lead authentically without compromising who we are or those we serve. 👩‍⚕️World Women’s Leadership Network 👩‍🏫Healthcare Executive US Networking Group 👩‍💼Healthcare Professionals Network A little more about me: 🏥nurse by trade 🍃naturopathic medicine - finding health by addressing the root of symptom 🚴‍♂️healthy and active lifestyle 🐺Great Danes are the greatest 🧘‍♂️Meditation - centered and present 🥰 Daily gratitude - focus on the positive and appreciate the little things Find me at: [email protected] Http:// Instagram: rncm90